Our Mission
We prepare youth to successfully transition from the foster care system to a purpose-driven adulthood by providing a haven that promotes hope, healing and independence.
Our Story
New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.
When I was one year old, I moved from Chicago to Haiti to live in my aunt’s orphanage while my mom completed her nursing degree in the States. At a very young age, I was surrounded by children who had lost their parents to either death or abandonment. It was during this time that the seed of compassion for disadvantaged children was planted. My passion for kids continued past adolescence and led me to pursue a college degree in Child Psychology with a minor in Business and a Master’s Degree in Social Work.
I always had the desire to one day open a facility that met all the needs of at-risk children. It wasn’t until a major tragedy occurred in my life that I found the urgency to move forward in this endeavor. This tragedy was the loss of my son. Just after becoming a new mother, my baby of one month passed away. As I mourned his death, I considered his life and how much it meant to me, despite its brevity. His life was lost but my memory of him was not. I wanted to leave a legacy for him – one that would give life to those who were never given the chance to flourish because of their circumstances as children. My son’s name was Genesis.
The name “Genesis” means origin, root or beginning. As my first child, his birth was the beginning of a new stage in my life. Little did I know that his death would signify the beginning of something new as well: the founding of Genesis Hopeful Haven. Inspired by Genesis and fueled by my passion for children in need, GHH was born to offer new beginnings to at-risk kids.
Read www.buildinggenesis.org for the complete story of how GHH was built as well as advocacy issues in the foster care system.
Our Vision
At Genesis Hopeful Haven, we envision a future where foster youth not only find refuge but also discover the tools and support needed to forge new beginnings. As they navigate the pivotal transition of aging out of care, we’re committed to providing a steadfast haven where they can flourish and embark on their journey to independence with confidence and resilience.

History of GHH
Genesis Hopeful Haven was founded with the desire to help foster children in need. There are currently over 22,000 children in the foster care system in Florida and over 600,000 in the US. These children have lost their parents due to addiction, incarceration, chronic illness, or mental instability. Some have been neglected. Some physically or sexually abused.
Their placement into the system means more than just the loss of a parent. They have also lost their home, friends, and the feeling of attachment to the community. Many have endured an emotional roller coaster of multiple placements with relatives or foster families. Even one’s culture and identity seem to disappear.
GHH wants to give foster youth a safe place, a fresh start, and hope for the future.
We focus on the area of greatest need within the foster care system which is former foster youth and preparing current foster youth to age out of the foster care system.
How We Help
Genesis Hopeful Haven has four home locations.
Our homes are for 18-year-old boys and girls who aged out of the foster care system. We assist our aged out youth with tutoring, transportation, groceries, life skills, financial literacy, employment readiness, mentoring and etc